open fonts

i like free fonts; unfortunately, the vast majority are really horrifying. they’re either largely unusable handwriting fonts, or they’re schlocky themed fonts – like blood-dripping Hallowe’en fonts. Blech. In any case, equally unusable.

i guess what i actually like is open source fonts – those that have been developed by teams for use in a variety of circumstances (and technological platforms). here are a few:

Adobe Source [sans serif, and fixed width]

Courier Prime [fixed width]

Deja Vu [serif, sans serif, and fixed width]

also likely some gems hidden amongst the novelty fonts at Google web fonts (make sure you have your browser set to display them!)

and a listing of several free fonts used by what’s-his-name over at The Oatmeal (Matthew Inman)

These aren’t my favourite fonts to use, but they’re good for many, many purposes, and they look really good. If you really want to get pornographic about type, you’d probably want to visit the St. Bride Printing Library in London, or at least get your grubby paws on the pages of Robert Bringhurst’s “The Elements of Typographic Style.” Either way, I will not judge.

your thoughts?