beers my son has chosen for me: a review

i like beer in moderation. my three year old son has realized this – at least the former part – and, as a result, has suggested we visit the beer store at inopportune moments. like, in front of the neighbours. at 8am. on a weekday. (his enthusiasm should not be conflated with a drinking problem: i have only about 2-3 beers per week. they make me too sleepy to enjoy them more often.)

in more helpful moments, Hollis has helped me choose beers i would not normally drink. for example, he likes the way the cans look, so whenever we pass by an lcbo or beer store, he insists we go in and choose a couple nice ones to bring home. although his choice is superficial – his single criterion is what’s on the label – his insistence has resulted in some decent beers. (strangely enough, he’s avoided the wheat beers, the fruitiness of which i detest.) this post is a record of several of those choices.

rolling rock: a “extra” pale ale from st. louis. really nice, actually. smooth. green and white label with some blue. picture of a horse.

kozel: a Czech style lager. another great choice. picture of a goat, possibly holding a beer between its front hooves.

stiegl: apparently a pilsner! tastes much smoother. one of my faves. simple design features red lettering on a cream background – no animal.

holsten festbock (or maybe maibock): for a strong beer (7%!) this is pretty smooth. can is green with a horse and knight and a red shield. another good choice

lowenbrau: good, though not a favourite. a robin’s egg blue, with gold, and a griffin in the seal!

pilsner urquell: not my cup of tea, though i think this is one i chose, and not Hollis. so my fault, and i will assume full responsibility.

i will update this list as more choices are made available to me. in the meantime, thanks, my son!

your thoughts?